Please read this document carefully if you would like to join us.
Click the link here for Risk assessment for St John's Church
- Places at the Sunday Service are limited to ensure we obey the 2m social distancing rule. We are limited to a maximum of 30 people.
- You need to book a place by ringing the ATMC Team Clerk : Susan Mallon on 07873 149627. Bookings for the Sunday service will close at noon on the Friday before.
- If you are coming with members of your household you can sit together but you must make this clear when you are booking.
- When you enter the building you will be shown where to sit by the church warden.
Entering the building
- As you enter the building there will be a table with hand sanitiser. Please clean your hands before you take a seat.
- Face coverings- we strongly advise that face coverings should be worn by all those attending a place of worship, including ministers, worshippers, staff, volunteers, contractors and visitors, where there may be other people present; remembering that they are mainly intended to protect other people, not the wearer, from coronavirus COVID-19 and that they are not a replacement for physical distancing and regular hand washing [in line with CofE guidance update 23.7.20]. A small number of face masks will be available in church on request.
- There is a clear entrance and exit marked and a marked route around the church.
- The Churchwarden[s] will escort you to your seating : you can only use the seats marked with a green tick.
- There are markers on the floor to help remind us to keep 2m apart.
- We are required to keep a record of everyone present in case the Track and Trace people need the information. You will have given your name and contact number when booking and a register will be taken as you attend the service. The records will be destroyed 21 days after the service.
The service
- We are not allowed to sing during the service (Singing enthusiastically can theoretically spread infected droplets to other people)
- Where possible music will be played, quietly, preferably using a keyboard or CDs
- The service sheets will be printed separately for each service and will given to you as you enter the church.
- Please remain seated for the service.
- Unfortunately we are not allowed to share bibles – so please bring one from home if this is important to you
- These will be Holy Communion services, but distribution will be the host only – no wine.
- Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of the service. Please wait for the Churchwarden[s] to indicate when you are to go up to the table and then please leave by the route indicated.
- Children are most welcome to join us at the service, but to avoid the risk of infection must remain in their seats at all times. Please indicate when you are booking if you are bringing children.
- We cannot currently offer groups for children. This is subject to ongoing review and changes will be introduced following consultation with group leaders.
Leaving the service
- There will be no refreshments served after the service.
- An offertory plate will be available for your offerings as you leave the building. Please ask if you require an envelope.
- Please follow the instructions of the Churchwarden[s] as you leave and follow the directional signs.
- Please use hand sanitiser as you leave the building
Other information
- Where toilets are available please inform the Churchwardens when you are using them in order that appropriate cleaning can be undertaken.
- The advice from the government is that those over 70 and those who are particularly vulnerable to infection should not come to the service. But they also make clear that this is a matter for your own choice. If you do choose to attend, you must make every effort to minimise the risk to yourself and others by avoiding any contact and maintaining 2m social distancing.
- Anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19 (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell) should not attend the place of worship due to the risk that they pose to others; they should self-isolate at home immediately with other members of their household.
- For those not wishing to join us for the Sunday Service in church live stream services are provided on Facebook.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do contact us.